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Cookie policy

Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file, usually containing a sequence of letters and numbers, that is downloaded to the user's computer when the user visits a certain website. Cookies are primarily intended to ensure the functioning of the website. In addition, we can use them to provide a better user experience.

Where are cookies used on our website?

We use two groups of cookies on the website. The first are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website, without which it is not possible to provide services (these include, for example, the identification of an individual browsing session). The second group of cookies is intended to improve the functioning of the website. These cookies include web analytics that allow us to compare new and previous visitors. We also use cookies to connect our website to online social networks, where users can share their experiences with us on these networks, as well as to allow users to comment on articles.

Third party cookies

In addition to our own cookies, we also use cookies from third parties (eg: Facebook, Google,...). For information on how third parties use cookies, please check the usage policies on their websites.